Que formação matemática para o professor dos primeiros anos escolares?


  • Wagner Rodrigues Valente
Abstract views: 284 / PDF downloads: 180


Teacher training, Elementary math, Elementary school


The text aims to make a historical analysis of the debates on teacher training models considering the elementary knowledge. In particular, it is considered the mathematical knowledge. It attempts to show that the organization mode of elementary mathematical knowledge is linked to two legacy teacher training models since the late nineteenth century. The study concludes that the confrontational coexistence of these models points to a pendulum that now is based on the internal logic of mathematical knowledge, sometimes in ways referenced in the subject learning mathematics.



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How to Cite

VALENTE, W. R. Que formação matemática para o professor dos primeiros anos escolares?. Formação Docente – Revista Brasileira de Pesquisa sobre Formação de Professores, [S. l.], v. 7, n. 13, p. 73–84, 2015. Disponível em: https://revformacaodocente.com.br/index.php/rbpfp/article/view/123. Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.


