Peer Assessment Process

  • The manuscripts sent to RBPFP are firstly evaluated in terms of formatting and the complete registration of authors in several items, according to the norms and guidelines established by the journal. If they do not correspond to the guidelines for authors, the manuscripts are returned, indicating the requests. Our average term for this task is 4 weeks, depending on the flow of articles submitted to the Journal.
  • After entering the evaluation process, the articles are evaluated in two evaluation rounds. The first by members of the Executive Editorial Board and the second by invited ad hoc In the first one, that has as criterion to evaluate the procedures of submission regarding standardization, thematic pertinence according to the journal focus and the guidelines of submission according to template, the following items are evaluated: formatting; ABNT standards; figures, images, pictures and their respective sources; presentation of the manuscript in the norms of the Journal; summaries in English, Spanish and Portuguese; character numbers; scientificity, clarity, innovation and novelty. In this step, if there is one or more negatives, the article will be rejected and will not be sent to the second round of evaluation by the ad hoc reviewer for the blind evaluation.
  • In the second round of evaluation, the article is distributed to reviewers respecting the adequacy between the subject treated and the field of knowledge and thematic relevance to the teacher training All texts are submitted to the Double Blind Peer Assessment (DAP), under the following criteria: adequacy of the title to the content; internal structure of the article; clarity and relevance of the objectives; consistent methodology that supports the proposed analyzes; results and discussion that bring scientific contribution to the specific research field of teacher training, training institutions and professional practices, critical, reflective or creative vision, offering advancement to knowledge; citations and references appropriate to the technical standards adopted by the journal; and relevance to the line and contribution to the specific investigation field of teacher training, training institutions and professional practices.
  • Reviewers fill out a standard online form with options already determined, in which there is an open field for the justification of the final decision, accepting, refusing or recommending corrections and/or necessary adaptations to the articles. This initial evaluation process lasts, on average, 60 days.
  • In case of divergence between the reviewers concerning the pertinence or not of the publication, the article is sent to a third reviewer and the result is submitted to the Editorial Staff for final judgment.
  • In case of request for changes, the article can be redirected to a new evaluation. Spelling and grammatical changes in the language of the article, as well as abstracts and titles in English and Spanish will be the responsibility of the author(s). No additions or modifications are allowed after approval of the final review. The articles are then available for publication in protocol order.