Formative diary: social science students and their training process
Training Diary; Teacher Formation; Reflective Training. Self-training.Abstract
His article aims the reflection on teacher education from the alternative methodological “Diário Formativo” (training diary), which was developed with undergraduate students in social sciences at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN, during their extension course, called “Teacher training and profession in social sciences: theoretical-methodological perspectives and the challenges of practice ”, realized in 2019. Thus, we list as specific objectives: to problematize the diary training as a possible methodological alternative to the process of training and self-training; contextualize the research subjects; signalize preliminary reflections about writing the training diaries. To develop a reflection about the objectives, we opted for a qualitative methodology, with theoretical review based on Ardoino (1998); Barbosa (1998; 2000; 2008); Barbosa and Hess (2010); Hess and Weigand (2006), among others, and partial analysis of training diary of students participating in the research. For analysis, we based on a perspective multi-referential from Bardin (2010) with content analysis, in which it was possible to point: the relevance of building self-writing alternatives; the promotion of a autonomous, critical and reflective training; and self-training that allows to the subject to perceive himself in the formative process and transform his actions in his relationship with daily life.
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