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Scientific Literacy, Neuromyths, Teacher Training, Science Teaching


The current context generated by the COVID-19 pandemic and the proliferation of misinformation regarding science highlights the importance of understanding scientific literacy among educators, especially in middle- and low-income countries. Thus, this work proposes to evaluate the knowledge about the brain and the prevalence of neuromyths among In-service and In-Training Teachers in Brasilia. To this end, the participants were asked to answer an online questionnaire containing 32 statements, 16 of which were designed to assess teachers’ knowledge about the brain and the remaining 16 statements are neuromyths. The average score for knowledge of the brain was 60.3% and the average score for neuromyths was 37.5%. The results allow for the conclusion that a gap in neuroscience-related knowledge persists among educators. The consequences of this misinterpretation or misrepresentation may prevent educators from taking advantage of neuroscience concepts.


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How to Cite

MENEZES, J. P. C. de. NEUROSCIENCE AND TEACHER EDUCATION: PREVALENCE OF MYTHS IN UNDERGRADUATES AND TEACHERS IN SCIENCE TEACHING. A CASE STUDY IN THE FEDERAL DISTRICT. Formação Docente – Revista Brasileira de Pesquisa sobre Formação de Professores, [S. l.], v. 14, n. 30, p. 181–195, 2022. DOI: 10.31639/rbpfp.v14i30.561. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.