Beliefs and conceptions of prospective teachers in Mathematics on de teaching profession


  • Marli Amélia Lucas Pereira
  • Marli Eliza Dalmazo Afonso de André
  • Francine de Paulo Martins
  • Ana Maria Gimenes Corrêa Calil
Abstract views: 413 / PDF downloads: 399


Beginning teachers, Discussion groups, Math prospective teachers


The aim of this paper was to listen to a math teacher education group of seven students about their motives to choose the teaching profession, their beliefs and conceptions about teaching and how they appraised knowledge and practices they have experienced in their teacher education course. The data gathering procedure was the interview with the students-teachers. The material was analyzed by a research group who after reading the transcriptions several times first developed a chart containing pre-indicators or the meaningful topics of the interviews content. Secondly the data were organized in three categories: relation with knowledge: the choice of teaching profession; professional knowledge; and beliefs and conceptions about the profession. The prospective teachers discourse disclosed how relevant was both the role of the teacher educator as well as the teaching practices experienced during the teacher education course. The data pointed out that propositions should be developed to improve the teacher education curriculum.


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How to Cite

LUCAS PEREIRA, M. A.; DALMAZO AFONSO DE ANDRÉ, M. E.; DE PAULO MARTINS, F.; CORRÊA CALIL, A. M. G. Beliefs and conceptions of prospective teachers in Mathematics on de teaching profession. Formação Docente – Revista Brasileira de Pesquisa sobre Formação de Professores, [S. l.], v. 4, n. 7, p. 100–114, 2018. Disponível em: Acesso em: 7 mar. 2025.


