About the Journal


The “Teacher Training” — Brazilian Journal of Research on Teacher Training, digital publication under the editorial responsibility of the Working Group — WG “Teacher Training” (WG08), National Association of Graduation and Research in Education (ANPEd), along with Autêntica Publisher.

The creation of WG08 — initially called “WG Licenciaturas” — took place in the late 1970s, early 1980s, a historic moment in which social movements were more vigorously constituted and achieved legitimacy to open new channels of debate and participation in the decisions of the authoritarian State. On this occasion, a crisis was enveloped by the Licenciate, since a model of training was in force, based on the technical theory and linked to the so-called “national minimum curriculum”.

In this context, educators formed a resistance front to the technical model of teacher education and started to present proposals for changes in the current model. These actions stimulated the mobilization of some education professionals who, during the First National Meeting of Reformulation of the Preparation Courses of Human Resources for Education, in Belo Horizonte, in November 1983, signed an agreement with members of the ANPEd Board to organize a WG that would address issues that affected the training of educators.

Once the proposal was launched, the “WG Licenciaturas” was constituted and, in the following year, it met in the 7th Annual Meeting (AM) of ANPEd, in Brasilia, in 1984. Discussions were deepen to elaborate training proposals for undergraduate and pedagogical courses based on the principles and guidelines contained in the final document of the national meeting in Belo Horizonte, and in 1985 the 8th AM was held in São Paulo. So, the WG structured in a more compatible way with the ANPEd recommendations, organized a session to analyze research on the subject.

In 1993, a new theoretical and methodological identity was established for the Working Group, which was renamed WG08 “Teacher Training”, outlining the ethos of the renewed WG.
The first ideas about the “Teacher Training” Journal came up in the early 2000s. However, it was in the 30th AM that the idea became stronger, and in 2008, on the occasion of the XIV National Meeting of Didactics and Teaching Practice (ENDIPE), in Porto Alegre, researchers from WG08 submitted substantive decisions on the creation of the Journal, having as its first editor the Prof. Dr. Júlio Emilio Diniz Pereira, of the Federal University of Minas Gerais, and member of the WG.

“Teacher Training” — Brazilian Journal of Research on Teacher Training is a channel for the dissemination of production and research in the field of Teacher Training, in an interdisciplinary dialogue with the contributions of research projects carried out by related areas that deal with the same theme. It aims, in particular, to foster and facilitate the national and international exchange of its subject matter. The Journal is addressed to the public of teachers, researchers and students in the areas of Education and related sciences.

It is with great pleasure that we present to the interested public the “Teacher Training” — Brazilian Journal of Research on Teacher Training and we hope that the effective participation of the fellow researchers will contribute to the improvement of the academic production quality in this field and, consequently, for the improvement of the training of educators in our country.

Editorial Committee and Coordination of the Teacher Training Working Group — ANPED.


The "Teacher Training" – Brazilian Journal of Research on Teacher Training (RBPFP) from issue 11 (2019) assumes a quarterly periodicity with Regular Editions in the months of April, August and December. In the case of Special Editions, they will be determined by the Executive Editorial Commission on demand, and, when approved, will follow the same criteria that govern their evaluation policy in Regular Editions.

Free Access Policy

Teacher Training – Brazilian Journal of Teacher Training Research does not charge submission and publication fees for authors and offers free and immediate access to its content, following the principle that, by providing free scientific knowledge to the general public, it will provide greater global democratization of access to knowledge.

Good practices in scientific publication / Ethics Code

The editors and members of the editorial and advisory boards of this Journal are guided by the Council of Science Editors – CSE Guidelines to promote integrity in scientific journal publications: update 2012 – used by the Brazilian Association of Scientific Editors – ABEC – Brazil, 2017.

It is recommended that all authors and reviewers read the document, available at the link below https://www.abecbrasil.org.br/arquivos/whitepaper_CSE.pdf

Integrity and Prevention of Plagiarism

As part of the valuation actions of academic integrity and prevention of plagiarism in the publications accredited in the Portal, the journal Teacher Training – Brazilian Journal of Research on Teacher Training adopts the similarity identification of texts service, using as a basis, the platform CopySpider.


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