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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice or Microsoft Word document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • Articles must contain a maximum of 40,000 characters (including spaces) including abstracts, bibliographical references and notes, typed in Word (.doc) or compatible editing program, source: Times New Roman, size 12 and double spacing. Figures and tables are inserted in the text, not at the end of the document in the form of attachments.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • Model/Article Template RBPFP:
    The article must be written in the Teacher Training template – RBPFP.
    The author(s) must submit the manuscript without identification, and, in an additional document, a file with the complete manuscript with identification and formatting according to the indicated standard. Download Template at DOC

Author Guidelines


Articles submitted to RBPFP – "Teacher Training" will be evaluated by the Executive Editorial Board regarding their relevance to the Editorial Line of the journal, its adaptation to the requirements of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT) and other editorial instructions.

  1. Teacher Training – Brazilian Journal of Research on Teacher Training (RBPFP) accepts for publication unpublished articles in the fields of Education, Teaching and related areas, dealing with themes outlined in its scope that result from theoretical studies, essays and research on the field of Teacher Training. The RBPFP does not publish an experience report. The article may have a maximum of three authors (exceptions, when applicable, will be regulated by the editorial team). One of the authors, necessarily, must have the title of Doctor.
    Necessarily, one of the authors must have the title of Doctor. The article may have a maximum of three authors.
  2. The Journal declares that the authors are fully responsible for concepts and positions issued in the published texts, which do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Editorial Board of this journal.
  3. The ethical treatment of the research and its approval in a specific committee (Committee of Ethics in Research – CEP), to which the article refers, is the authors' entire responsibility. It should be indicated as a note in the body of the article.
  4. Articles can be submitted in Portuguese, English, Spanish and French. The texts in mother tongue and foreign language should be submitted properly revised, under the author's responsibility. Articles in a foreign language may be translated into Portuguese by decision of the editorial team in discussions with the author(s). The Journal, in the opinion of Editorial Board, may reissue, in Portuguese, international articles of theoretical or methodological relevance to the area, which have been published in other academic publications, with the proper authorization of the author or from the one who owns the copyright.
  5. Entries must contain up to 40,000 characters (with spaces) including abstracts, bibliographical references and notes, typed in Word (.doc) or compatible editing program, font: Times New Roman, size 12 and spacing 1.5. The text should be aligned and justified; the margins should not be less than 3 cm. Foreign words should be spelled in italics, neologism and/unusual terms should be written between simple 'quotation marks.'
  6. The publication of the article is subjected to at least two (2) favorable opinions from members of the Editorial Advisory Board and ad hoc collaborators. The evaluation of articles for publication takes as basic criteria: its contribution to education and the editorial line of the Journal, the originality of the theme or the treatment given to it, the consistency and the rigor of the theoretical-methodological approach.
  7. Any changes in structure or content, suggested by the reviewers or by the Executive Editorial Board, will only be incorporated with authors' consent.
  8. The interviews should be done with researchers who have been presenting unpublished works, of national and international relevance, in the specific area of Teacher Training, aiming to maintain the journal's current character or promoting debate in the field of teacher education. The decision to publish this section is restricted to the Executive Editorial Board.
  9. The originals, to be submitted for evaluation, must be submitted through the submission system.
    online:; A "No Author Identification" file. Identification data should be included on the journal's website (metadata) during the submission process; A second manuscript file with all the information of the author(s) and formatting according to the template must be posted as an additional document at the time of submission
  10. The standards of bibliographic references followed by the Journal are those of ABNT and should be restricted to the material cited in the body of the text. Citations from sources, direct or indirect, must be inserted in the body of the text (AUTHOR, date, page). The notes, when necessary, should be at the end of the text with sequential numeration in Arabic numerals and before the bibliographical references. The references of material and electronic/digital sources should cite the address (Web Site or Home Page) followed by the date of access (Access in: Feb 25. 2017).
  11. The references to authors in the text must be subordinated to the form (Author, date) or (Author, date, p.), as in the examples: (ANDRE, 2010) or (BRZEZINSKI, 2010, p.186). Different titles of the same author, published in the same year, should be differentiated by adding a letter after the date, for example: (GARCIA, 1995a), (GARCIA, 1995b).
  12. The references should contain, exclusively, the authors and texts cited in the paper and should be presented at the end of the text, in alphabetical order, following the ABNT updated norms. Texts that do not contain the references, or that present them incorrectly, will be rejected in the submission.
  13. The notes should be purely explanatory. All notes should be numbered and appear at the end of the text (use auto-command of the word processor).
  14. All articles must contain title, indication of three to five keywords and abstracts (in Portuguese, English and Spanish or French). Each abstract must be between 600 and 1,000 characters long with spaces.
  15. Any illustrations, with their respective subtitles, and photo/cover of the first author must be presented separately, in JPG, TIF, WMF or EPS format, indicating in the text where they will be inserted.
  16. Once the works have been published, the copyright remains with the author(s), however, the translation and republishing in other vehicles and their subsequent reproduction must be done with due citation of the first source of the publication in the Brazilian Journal of Research on Teacher Training – Teacher Training (RBPFP).

Orientation for the formatting of texts:

  1. Enter all text in Times New Roman font, size 12, spacing 1.5, with no different fonts for titles and sections.
  2. Use bold and capital letter for the main title; the subheadings of the sections will be in bold using the same font size.
  3. For emphasis or highlighting, inside the text, use only italic; mark the paragraphs with a single tab touch and give "Enter" only at the end of the paragraph.
  4. Separate section titles from the text with a double "Enter."
  5. For long quotations, use Times New Roman font size 11, separated from the main text with simple Enter and 4 cm indent from the left margin.
  6. Articles that do not strictly comply with the rules of publication will be rejected by form and returned with justification.


Guidelines for the application of the ABNT – Brazilian National Standards Association, in the references:

Books with one author

DINIZ-PEREIRA, Júlio Emílio. Teacher training: research, representations and power. Belo Horizonte: Autêntica, 2000.

Books with up to three authors

ANDRÉ, M.; BARRETO, E. S.; GATTI, B. A. Políticas docentes no Brasil: um estado da arte.  Brasília: UNESCO, 2011. 269p.

Books with more than three authors

FARIAS, M. I. Sabino de. [et al]. Pesquisa em Rede: Diálogos de formação em contexto coletivo de conhecimento. Fortaleza: EdUECE, 2018.


BRZEZINSKI, I.; GARCIA, C. M. Formcaión y valorización de profesores en el Plan Nacional de Educación (Brasil/2014-2024) y el Plan de Educación de Andalucia/España(2014): aproximaciones y destanciamientos. In Revista Brasileira de Pesquisa sobre Formação de Professores – Formação Docente, Belo Horizonte, v. 08, n. 14, p. 13-32, jan./jun. 2016. Available at:

Book chapter

NÓVOA, A. Formação de Professores e a profissão docente. In: NÓVOA, Antônio (Org.). Os professores e sua formação. Lisboa: Don Quixote, 1992, p. 15-34.


HOBOLD, Márcia de Souza. A Constituição das formas Identitárias dos professores/chefes de departamentos dos cursos de licenciatura, 2008. 187f. Thesis (Doctorate in Education) Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo – São Paulo, 2008.

Scientific Papers presented in Congresses

JARDILINO, J.R.L. Desenvolvimento Profissional de Professores da Educação Básica: uma pesquisa com supervisores do PIBID – Ceará, São Paulo e Minas Gerais. In. 38ª RN DA ASSOCIAÇÃO NACIONAL DE PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO E PESQUISA EM EDUCAÇÃO – ANPED. WG08 – Commissioned Work. São Luiz, Maranhão, 2017, p.1-5. Available at access on 5/24/2018.


Interview – This section is for the exclusive use of the editorial team or to whom it appoints. It will not go through ad hoc reviewer. The trials and procedures shall be regulated by the editor and the executive editorial staff. It will be of a seasonal nature and therefore will not be published in all issues of the Journal. It will leave when the said team deems it convenient. 


Articles – They are contributions intended to disseminate original investigation results, with methodology and results clearly described; contributions from dissertations, theses, papers from ongoing research projects containing the description of study stages, with emphasis on methodological issues; contributions of analytical or propositional character with theoretical constructs leading to the questioning of existing models and allowing hypotheses for future research; and contributions designed to disseminate the state of the art of specific topics in the field of research. It is limited to 40,000 characters, including abstracts in national (Portuguese) and foreign (Spanish, English or French) languages, introduction, development, final considerations and references.

The texts can be presented in Portuguese, Spanish, English and French (See rules and guidelines for authors).

And researchers with a minimum degree equivalent to the Doctorate are able to send texts for analysis as first author. If there are other authors, the others must have a minimum master's degree. Proposals from Doctorate Program students will be accepted, if accompanied by their Research Advisor.

Privacy Statement

• Privacy Policy: The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

• Declaration of Originality and Authorship: In submitting this article I declare that this is an original text and has not been submitted for publication in any other national or international journal, either in whole or in part.

• Copyright: The copyright of articles published in Teacher Training – Brazilian Journal of Research on Teacher Training (RBPFP), remains with the author(s), However, translation and republishing in other vehicles and its subsequent reproduction must be done with the proper citation the first source of the publication in the RBPFP.