Refugee children, Teacher training, Inclusion, InterculturalityAbstract
This article resulted from a research project focused on the education of refugee children, through a case study in a school in the Municipal Education Network of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais. The main objective was to analyse how a public school deals with and welcomes students from other parts of the world, and to evaluate the impacts of admittance of refugee students on teaching activities and teacher training, from a decolonial theoretical-methodological perspective and a intercultural standpoint. Analysing reports of experiences obtained from school actors, it was observed that the institution was not prepared to satisfactorily deal with the presence of foreign students in general, especially refugees. The article highlights the need for specific projects and special attention from education planners/managers, as well as higher education institutions, in order to offer adequate support regarding training and teaching practices, to ensure the effective inclusion of children and adolescents from other countries admitted to public schools in Brazil.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Joelma Beatriz OLIVEIRA , Carla Mercês da Rocha Jatobá FERREIRA , Margareth DINIZ (Autor)
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